CJ Riggins
Safety Training Services
The goal of this course is for you to learn First Aid, CPR and AED for Adults and children. The course is designed to give you lots of hands-on practice so that you'll leave with the knowledge and skills to be able to help in an emergency.
First Aid/CPR/AED
I conduct occupational safety and health classes for workers. Employers use the OSHA outreach program to provide training for their employees. The outreach program teaches workers how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards.
OSHA Outreach Training
Acquire the skills and knowledge you need to be a defensive driver. Recognize that defensive driving is a matter of personal choice. Recognize common hazards and react to prevent collisions. Describe the dangers of impaired driving.
Defensive Driving Course
Forklift Operator Training
Increase your knowledge and skills in lift truck operations. Make the workplace safe, prevent lift truck incidents. Help employers meet OSHA compliance, train and authorize
lift truck operators.
Computer workstation ergonomics
Risk factors
Types of injures
Workstation design
Ergonomic Assessments
Want To Schedule Your First Lesson?
Respiratory Protection training and annual Respirator Fit Testing performed to the OSHA standard 1910.134(F).
Respirator Fit Testing
Call: 505 897-2776